Monday, December 13, 2010

been to long Part 1 (Summer 2010)

So much has happened in the past 6 mo. So I'm going to keep it brief and just post some pictures w/ some captions.

4Th of July 2010 - look how tiny she was

4th of July at the Garcia Casa

Family time at the Luceros

Our trip to San Fran

Beach time! Madi & Kate enjoying the ocean

At Chuck E Cheese in San Fran

Silly Jiggy boy! San Fran 2010

In August we threw the girls a Princess party fit for our two little Princess'.
It was so much fun!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Not the Biggest Losser, but my life is changed for the better!

In Feb. I started the biggest Loser contest with LC's Fitcamp. You can read my post on my first experience with Fitcamp from back in Jan. - - .
Anywho, today was the last weigh in and I just found out that I didn't win. I was kinda bummed at first, but then I remembered that I have lost -28 lbs. since I started fitcamp, went down a pant size, feel much better, and have met several of the goals I set when I started. I have lost -22.4 lbs, -27.5 inches, -9.81% weight loss since I started Biggest loser... I'm okay with that. I also get one free month of training...whoopee! I still have a long way to go, but I know now that it can be done. It just takes time. I like things fast and now, but I'm trying to remember that lasting weight lost takes time. I want to do this right, and healthy, so I press on - I can do all things in Christ who gives me strength!

Results -

Thank you Shea for inspiring me and telling me about Fitcamp, and thank you LC for helping me meet those goals and encouraging me along the way! You girls rock!
Congrats Stephanie!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I can do all things in Christ who gives me strength!

Last month John and I were blessed to have our two Nieces - Caitlin and Autumn - come live with us. We both knew that this was best for the girls at the time, and we didn't really think past that. Now that we are one month into this situation, we have decided to go forward with guardianship (It's really the only option at this time). We all have loved having the girls be apart of our every day lives. They have brought a lot of joy into our home. Sure, there are struggles and even some tears at times, but I rest in the fact that "HE" knows. He allowed the girls to come here and He will make all things work out for good (Romans 8:28). I also stand often on the scripture that says "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil. 4:13. I quote that a lot these days.
I don't know what we would do without our friends and family that have surrounded us with love and support and who are encouraging us w/ cards, baby furniture, letting us barrow their car for a month, painting (that blessed Johns socks off), baby clothes, diapers and best of all...Gods word. Thank you, you know who you are. I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future! That is what gives me peace during the tough times.
Please continue to pray for us and for the girls as we continue to adjust to this new life. Thank you!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Meagy Moo!

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Photo shop fun!


This is my 1st attenpt to photo shop. Dez is so easy cause she is so beautiful. Every picture I took of her turned out great. Can't wait to share my other stuff. Fun! Fun! Fun!
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Worship Fest 2 - Refuge youth skit - picture slide show of Worship Fest 2

Monday, April 5, 2010

Glorious Day

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Waiting on the Lord!

First it was rain, then Fit camp was canceled on March 10 (due to health issues our instructor was having). I kept thinking "keep it together" cause I could feel myself getting discouraged and slowly watching my eating habit going back to my old ways. So after two weeks I joined a gym. I have been going to classes and trying to work out on my own as much as possible. I also started to watch what I was eating closely, but it is so hard to get back on track. Fitcamp will be back in a week and I'm sad that I have not lost much weight since then, but as I sat last night and poured my heart out to my dear Hubby he kept reminding me to keep my eyes on Jesus and to continue to look to him for strength on this journey. He kept saying - wait on the Lord. I was like "what does that have to do with this?" but as I was praying this morning I realized - He was right! In my devotion this morning I read this: Have you stopped praying about something cause you've grown tired of waiting on God. I knew right then that I had stopped praying about this journey and just started trying to do it on my own. I mean sure, I can work hard and get results, but I don't ever want to do anything with out the Lord, without His strength. So today I hold on to the scripture that says: But they that renew their strength ; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and faint" Isaiah 40:31 I want to choose to do it His way and not my own. So I will press on, try my hardest and trust Him to answer my prayer - in His timing!
Lord, help me to trust you with my weight. Help me to make better choices, and please help me to always take everything in my life to you in prayer. Amen!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Vacation Pictures!

Our Madi girl - Pretty in purple!
I love this man!!! Not sure if he is deep in thought or frowning at the fact that I was taking so many pictures of him.
Jacob - collector of many things

They love the beach!

Did I mention how much I love this man!?

Trenton feel asleep with Jake's hat on...too cute!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Vacation in Carp.

Pictures of Sarlet (or Charlotte as we know her. LOL!)

Uncle John - loven him some Char Char time!
There are no words to describe how much I loved being with my nieces. The kids had a blast at the park...and then it rained :(
Trenton and Aya are two peas in a pod.
They had so much fun together.
It was so windy that it was hard to get a good picture
Saying goodbye is never fun. We made it short and sweet. Can't wait till we get to be together again. The sooner the better!
The kids did so good for being cramped in the backseat for so long. Good times!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Goal 2...accomplished!

For the last week my pants have been filling pretty loose, but I wasn't convinced yet that I was down a size. Then I begin to get a little more confident after my last work out. I had to change my work out pants 2x's because both pairs were too lose. They were literally falling off me when I was working out (Oh my!). So today I decided to try on a pair of pants that were a size smaller ....They fit!!! and I didn't have to wrestle with them to get them on....LOVE IT!!!! Goal 2 - ACCOMPLISHED!

This week I had to work out on my own (do to the rain). I realized I am not nearly as motivated on my own, but I made myself get up and grove (yay for Turbo Jam!). That is why I was surprised that my pants were so loose. I am really looking forward to getting back to FC! I just know next week will be even better. Turbo Jam is cool, but FC Rocks!!

Next goal....???... not sure yet. When I decide I will post it. Please continue to pray for me. There are many days when I just want to give up, but I know that isn't Gods best for me, so I press on!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My little artists

My kiddos have been taking art classes and they love it! Here is some of there art work from the past 3 months. Trenton drew this at Christmas time.
Madi won first place on her peacock she entered at the fair.
Jacob did these poinsettias at Christmas time and we plan on framing this one asap. Jacob also did a picture of the desert and won 2 place at the Fresno Fair this year.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Loven my new Kicks!

I got new kicks this weekend and
what a difference! I felt like I could run a lot longer (and a bit faster) with my new running shoes...worth every penny! I may not be a great runner (yet!) but I plan on running from now on, so good shoes are a must have.

Friday, February 12, 2010

-8 and counting!

I have now been working-out at FitCamp for 1 month and I have lost 8 lbs. I am so excited to be 8 lbs lighter, but I still struggle with wanting more, and faster, and now!! I keep having to remind myself this this is going to take time, that this is a journey...a long one at that.
I have recently met my first goal (jogging one lap without stopping) and now I'm on to my second (down a pants size. I'm so close, I can feel it!). Small goals have changed my life. I know that sounds silly, but for so long I set these unrealistic goals, and then I'm crushed when I don't meet them. Now I am setting small goals...meeting them...and then setting more. The goals are something I look forward to, instead of dreading.
Please keep me in your prayers as I go threw this new chapter in my life, and as I learn new things about this journey God has set before me. Sometimes it's hard and painful, but some times it's exciting and rewarding! Either way, it's all good... cause it's all God (at least I pray it is).

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fat Chance and Fit Camp

I just read Julie Haddens book - Fat Chance and it has truly changed my life, my goals, and my walk with the Lord. She has encouraged me in ways that still blow my mind. Her story had me laughing and crying...sometimes at the same time. I laughed cause she's funny and I could so relate to some of her crazy stories, and I cried because I knew her pain all to well. At one point (around Ch. 3) I told John "she's writing my story!" The way she described how she felt as an over weight person, was as if she put into words all the things I feel... but could never find the words to express. Her book inspired me and made me want to lose this weight once and for all. I think what hit me the hardest was the night when I was sitting on my couch, reading this book and John told me I should work out (I opened that door by reading some of the book to him) but my comment was "isn't it enough that I am reading a book about weight loss?" we laughed, but as I sat there it hit me - smack dab in the face - this is my problem! I sit to much and complain about this weight, but yet I do nothing about it (or I try and then give up). Right after that I read a part in the book where Julie says "move more, eat less" (Novel idea, right? Well... easier said than done). After that I began to pray something like this...Lord, please show me how to do me, and please give me the strength to do what ever "this" is. After that prayer a Dear Friend (her name is Shea) kept popping up in my thoughts. Shea and I met back in high school through...well never mind...long story. Anywho, we lost touch but reconnected through Faceboook (got to love FB!). I knew Shea was working out last year, but back when we talked about it, it just seemed like to much work and my "excuse" was it was to far - there was another one of my problem...excuses 9and lots of them) Well, I didn't think it was a coincidence that she kept popping up ever time I read this book or prayed about this, so I got a hold of her and she directed me to FIT CAMP. After that I knew "this" was the "this" I had been praying about. So I talked with John and he said go for it!
So.... the next Fit Camp came... and went. Shea couldn't go (and there was no way I was going alone) so I said "next time" (thinking this would probably never happen), but it came time for the next FC and Shea got a hold of me and said something like - no excuses you better be there, so I went. I was a bit freaked out when I first showed up to Fit Camp and realized I was the biggest girl there, talk about insecure!...but I just knew the Lords hand was in all this directing me just as I asked, so I pressed on.

I am now on week three and still fighting threw the emotional and physical part of all this, but I'm fighting threw it with prayer and determination. The Lord has blessed me with meeting some great Ladies (who don't make me feel uncomfortable at all, even though my head still messes with me sometimes). Lynnette - our skinny mini instructor - has been so patient with me but also pushes me to do better, to do more, and to look ahead. Her and Shae have been great motivators and I love both these girls for being my support team on this long and painful journey.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Greek Chicken

John got this recipe from a co-worker (Jackie) awhile ago. It is so yummy, so I thought I would share it. Let me know if you try it and like it.
  1. 2 large boneless/skinless chicken breast cut into bite size - (some times I leave them whole)
  2. 2 tbs.. spicy brown mustard
  3. 2 tbs. olive oil
  4. 4 cloves chopped/pressed garlic
  5. 2 tbs. fresh lemon juice
  6. 1/2 cup pitted and chopped kalamata olives
  7. 1/2 cup feta cheese (I use low-fat feta from Trader Joe's)

Combine ingredients 1-5 in an oven safe dish. Bake at 375 degrees until chicken is done
(I usually cook it for one hour. But I check on it at 45 min.)
Remove from oven and stir in olives and cheese. Let sit for a few minuets and serve!
You can serve this over rice with a veggie to make a complete meal.
One time I made a Greek salad with the left overs....ummm so good and pretty healthy too!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


2009 updates
* John started working for a new company. He is a rehab teck and loves it!
* Trenton stopped having seizures (last one was in Feb. 09)Thank you Jesus!
* We had two nieces born in 2009 - Autumn and Zoe - they are both adorable!
* kids enrolled in a charter school - lots of work but well worth it.
* We had two grandparents go to be with Jesus within one month - Grandpa Fain and Grandma D - they will both be missed greatly, but we look forward to being reunited with them again.
* John had a great year of health! John has had a few colds here and there but got over them faster than me and the kids did. PTL!
* Refuge Sanger became a church (Dec. 09) It has been so neat to be apart of Gods work here in Sanger. Please keep us in your prayers.
God has been so faithful and has shown us His grace over and over again this year! I am so thrilled to see what He has in store for us in 2010!