Monday, April 20, 2009

Trenton's E.E.G

Today our Son Trenton had his first E.E.G done to find out why he is having Seizures. What is an E.E.G You ask? Well here is an explanation - An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain. Special sensors (electrodes) are attached to your head and hooked by wires to a computer. The computer records your brain's electrical activity on the screen or on paper as wavy lines. Certain conditions, such as seizures, can be seen by the changes in the normal pattern of the brain's electrical activity.
Trenton had his 1st seizure back in Aug. 08 (for more info go to - He had his 2nd one back in Feb of this year. After an MRI, blood work and finding a Dr. we finally were referred to Valley Children's Hospital for an E.E.G. We know that we may never have the answers to all our questions but we are ok with that. Right now we rest in the fact that Jesus knows and He holds Trenton in His hands. So there I rest...In Him.
For the test today we had to keep Trenton up until 11:00 pm and then woke him up at 4:00 am this morning. I was not looking forward to this because Trenton can be very grumpy and emotional when he doesn't get enough sleep, so can I. But this morning he just popped out of bed and was in such a great mood (Thank you Jesus!). Trenton only cried for a second when we said goodbye to Daddy. He wanted Daddy to come but John had to work. Thankfully he got over that quickly. The ride to Madera from Sanger flew by as Trenton I sang and asked each other questions like - What is your favorite fruit, Color, song and so on. We had a great time together. Once we got into the hospital Trenton said he wanted to go home and at that point I thought he might freak out when we went to the back. When the door opened and the nurse called his name, it was a friendly and familiar voice. It was one of his Sunday School Teachers - Mrs. Sally!!!!! Trenton had a huge grin when he saw her. At that point I knew he was going to be fine. Trenton feel asleep when they needed him to and the test was completed with no complications. What an Awesome God we serve!
We won't know any of the test results for about 2 weeks but I will post more when we do.


Anonymous said...

I was just thinking, "I wonder if Brandi knows that Sally is one of the people that does the EEG's at Children's?".......God is so awesome to meet all of our needs! -Stacy

Nina49a said...

So cool. Glad everything went well. Tell Trent, Aeh prayed for him!
Love you!

Abraham and Danielle said...

Wow....I didn't know any of this....I'm glad God is in control....what do people do who don't know HIM?? I'll be praying.