Thursday, July 17, 2008

Homeschool Moms Gone Wild!!

After Sushi those of us that could went over to hang out at Barnes and Nobles (cause that is where crazy Home school Moms hang out, right?) Only to find out that they were closed. As we sat in the Mall parking lot we decided we were already out (without kids!) so why head in so early. Only problem is - we live in Cape Girardeau, where everything closes down at 10:00 pm. So Misti tells the girls (Krista & Sara) to jump in cause we were goin crusen. Of coarse they laughed but they jumped in without asking any questions.... Now what!? Well, we headed down to the River. There we found a bunch of young kids hanging out, so what does crazy Misti do?....she rolls down the window and blares some music (Cause we are cool like that). What does she blare you ask? Vacation Bible School Songs! Oh yeah! I wish I could see the look on these kids faces as 4 moms in a HUGE van roll by with kids worship music blaring and all of us moms dancing. As we roll by Krista yells something like - Ya and we even have our kids in bed! Oh my Dude, we laughed so hard. The rest of the night we cruised around and talked about all kinds of interesting things. We even went to Illinois, just cause we could. After that we headed back to drop of Krista and Sara, but the night just didn't want to end, so we cruised the empty mall and played Chinese fire drill? I think that is what they called it. It's where we all got out at every stop sign (mind you it was in an empty mall parking lot) and change seats - even the driver seat. Oh My Dude that was crazy fun! That night is going down in the books. Who ever said Home school Moms are boring?

1 comment:

Misti said...

Oh girl!! What a FUN night we had! Yummy sushi, good friends, good times, we certainly can't forget the VBS music and LOTS of LAUGHS...what more could we ask for ?!! :-) I just don't know why it's taken us this long to go out and do this...only once!! We're going to miss you as much as you'll miss us!!
Love and Blessings,