Wednesday, July 16, 2008

4 wheel time!

My friend Donna & her Hubby Butch had us over for a home cooked country meal. Donna said I couldn't leave the mid west without one. Oh My Dude can Donna cook. She served home made mashed potatoes, Roast, corn, green beans and this amazing Velveeta squash that was to die for, Oh and Sweet Tea. It was all soooo good! After we ate we went out and rode their family 4 wheelers (they each have their own). We had a blast! I think that will be night none of us will ever forget. We will miss these dear friends so much, they have been so good to us these last few months.


sarajeancooksey said...

how come I dont see you on the 4 wheeler?

Nina49a said...

I'VE seen you on a four wheeler! If anyone has that pic, Lets get it posted!