Wow, I lost my blogging info and then just forgot about blogging all together. But tody I found it and now I am back. So much has happened since I last posted in March when I got to visit my Sister and her family. They have now moved to Boston and Al (Nina's Hubby) launched "Reality Boston". Please remember them in your prayers.

The girls have now been with us for almost 3 years. We bought a new house this past year, and the kids started Public school. No more homeschooling. It's been a full 3 years of changes. All for the good in my opinion Challenging, but good.

Jake and Madi are now taller than me (I know - GASP!) Trenton is still anxiously awaiting for that day, but is really not that close yet. The kids LOVE school. Caitlin started KG this year and loves it. She loves Sunday night cause the next day is school. The other kids are like that some times too. Autumn still stays home with me. She takes speech classes at the kids School. She keeps me on my toes every min. of the day.
Johns still the Pastor at Refuge Sanger, and works full time. He is a pretty busy guy, but always makes time for his family. His health (meaning his lungs) have been great. He has had a few colds here and there and kidney stones (OUCH!). But other than that he is healthy. Praise God!
I'm still a full time stay at home mom. Kate & Autumn have a lot of health issues so we travel to Fresno 1-3 times a week for OT, PT, & many other Dr. appointments through Valley Children's Hospital.That alone seems to be a full time job. I dabbled in Pampered Chef this year and really hoped to make that work, but with the girls hectic Dr. appointments, Johns work schedule, the kids school schedule (including sports), court for the girls, and life with a family of 7, it just seemed to much. I was going to start back up this month, but it just didn't work out. Guess it wasn't meant to be right now. I was very sad about this. I really enjoyed doing it.
Well, that is all for now. I hope to keep this up more often. I really enjoy blogging. Kinda therapeutic. Bye for now!