This is one of those days I wish never had to end. I love these girls so much!
3 weeks ago today, I jumped on a train (alone!) and went to see my Sister and her girls. My Mom was also there visiting. My Sisters hubby Al will be starting Reality Boston....Did ya catch that?...I said Boston! Sigh* Why is Boston so stinken far?
I know God has a plan to prosper and not to harm, so I rest in that ;-) and I rejoice in all that HE has planned for my Sister and her family. Please pray for,
My Sister Nina is an amazing Mother. 
I am so proud of her. She may be my little sister, but I look up to her as a woman of God, a wife and a mother. I am so glad she is my little sister, my friend, and my sister in the Lord.

They had fun at the beach. This Auntie loved watching them play.