Sunday, August 31, 2008
Nighty Night....Tea Time w/ Mrs. Bear
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Game on!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Muddy Boys!
Update on Trenton
It's been over a week, almost two since Trenton's seizure. So far we have been blessed that he hasn't had another since that day. We are now all starting to get a full night sleep. For awhile we would all check on him through out the night. Now it's only if we hear a sound (like the neighbors chicken making all kinds of crazy noises). Anyway, things are getting back to normal for Trenton. Well...kinda...
Tue. night at church he told his teacher he has seizures and that he was having one right now. His poor teacher didn't know what to think. After talking with him we realized that he thought his headaches were seizures, maybe it feels similar.... I don' t know. He was having headaches everyday for awhile, but he didn't complained of any yesterday or today...thankfully. We were told that he would have headaches for awhile so I am not to freaked out about it. I still wished I had more answers, but for now I am just trusting the Lord for wisdom and guidance in Trenton's medical issues. Please pray that I will find a great Dr. for him and his siblings.
Pictures below are of the day Trenton had his seizure. After 6 hours or so he was back to his spunky little self. That day we had friends and family surrounding us with their love and support. It's good to be home.

When Trenton was in the hospital my mom took my kids to our friends house to get there minds off of the situation. While they were there Jacob and his buddy Joby made Trenton brownies and put a tractor on it. Later that day Joby brought them over. The brownies were very yummy and it made Trenton smile.

Tue. night at church he told his teacher he has seizures and that he was having one right now. His poor teacher didn't know what to think. After talking with him we realized that he thought his headaches were seizures, maybe it feels similar.... I don' t know. He was having headaches everyday for awhile, but he didn't complained of any yesterday or today...thankfully. We were told that he would have headaches for awhile so I am not to freaked out about it. I still wished I had more answers, but for now I am just trusting the Lord for wisdom and guidance in Trenton's medical issues. Please pray that I will find a great Dr. for him and his siblings.
Pictures below are of the day Trenton had his seizure. After 6 hours or so he was back to his spunky little self. That day we had friends and family surrounding us with their love and support. It's good to be home.
When Trenton was in the hospital my mom took my kids to our friends house to get there minds off of the situation. While they were there Jacob and his buddy Joby made Trenton brownies and put a tractor on it. Later that day Joby brought them over. The brownies were very yummy and it made Trenton smile.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Dancing with Daddy
We spent the whole weekend with the Lucero family. Madison and Emily entertained us with many dance and cheer shows. It was very cute. Madison loves to dance and so does Emmy, so they were in little Girl Heaven together. I know Madi loved every min. with little Emily but I think the memory that will last forever is when her Daddy asked her to dance with him. John is not a dancer but he jumped in there and made one special memory with his little girl.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Our Trip
The trip itself was uneventful (accept for Trenton throwing up). The best part of the trip was seeing My Sister Nina, her Hubby Al and our beautiful Nieces (Nevaeh & Charlotte). Seeing them wasn't apart of the plan but we couldn't just pass them and not stop (ok so it was out of the way...but WAY worth it!!!) We only got to see them for a few hours but that is better than nothing. We will see them in Sept. again. I can't wait!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Oh No Never Let Go!
This morning we woke up to our son Jacob screaming. He was screaming because our son Trenton was having a seizure. At the moment none of us knew what was going on, we just saw that Trenton's eyes were rolling in the back of his head and he was making a weird breathing sound. As soon as I saw him I picked him up in my arms and started screaming for my Mom and John. Within seconds Trenton was laying lifeless in my arms (a feeling I know I will never forget). I immediately started to administer CPR while John called 9-1-1. It seemed like this lasted forever. When the ambulance arrive Trenton stoped seizing but was still unresponsive. During the ambulance ride he came to for a few min. but he didn't know who I was (which really freaked me out). The nurse reassured us that this was normal for a child who had a seizure and that he would soon start connecting the dots. The Dr.'s started testing Trenton right away. A few hours later they were able to confirm that Trenton did have a seizure. They also told us that his brain scan was normal (which is good in the sense that he doesn't have a brain tumor or epilepsy). But it also means that we will probably never know what caused his seizure. The nurse told us that he may never have another seizure (3 out of 4 children never have another one) and if he did have another one, it would probably be within a year or so. Please pray that I can trust the Lord with this. It's hard not to hoover over Trenton. Today he was walking out of the kitchen and he looks at me and said "I'm just going to the bathroom" I cracked up. He was back to his normal wise guy self.
They will now have to run some more tests but it sounds to me like they don't usually find any answers. Being a Mom that just doesn't sit right. I want answers! I want to know why My baby's brain didn't work right today. Why this happened. This has been such an emotional day. I pray that I can sleep, resting in the fact that Trenton is Gods child and that I am so blessed that the Lord had given him to us for this long. I pray that I have many more years with my son, but I also pray that I will always remember who knitted this little guy in my womb. He loves Trenton far more than I could ever imagine, so why do I worry about the whys? and Whats? Please be praying for Trenton and for the rest of our family who went threw this ordeal. We are all still quite shaken up over this (all but Trenton)
P.S - Trenton learned the song that says "Oh No Never Let go, threw the calm and threw the storm!" at VBS this year. it is his fav. song. My Sister Sara was telling John at the hospital about Trenton singing that song the night before. When we were in the car on the way home from the hospital John told me about his conversation with my Sister and as we were talking I could here Trenton mumbling the song in the back seat. When John heard him he said "Hey Buddy, you want to listen to the radio?" When he turned the radio on it was that song. Trenton started singing that song as loud as he could. Of coarse John and i just began to weep. I called my Sister Sara and told her to turn her radio on :) God is so good to remind us of His faithfulness.
They will now have to run some more tests but it sounds to me like they don't usually find any answers. Being a Mom that just doesn't sit right. I want answers! I want to know why My baby's brain didn't work right today. Why this happened. This has been such an emotional day. I pray that I can sleep, resting in the fact that Trenton is Gods child and that I am so blessed that the Lord had given him to us for this long. I pray that I have many more years with my son, but I also pray that I will always remember who knitted this little guy in my womb. He loves Trenton far more than I could ever imagine, so why do I worry about the whys? and Whats? Please be praying for Trenton and for the rest of our family who went threw this ordeal. We are all still quite shaken up over this (all but Trenton)
P.S - Trenton learned the song that says "Oh No Never Let go, threw the calm and threw the storm!" at VBS this year. it is his fav. song. My Sister Sara was telling John at the hospital about Trenton singing that song the night before. When we were in the car on the way home from the hospital John told me about his conversation with my Sister and as we were talking I could here Trenton mumbling the song in the back seat. When John heard him he said "Hey Buddy, you want to listen to the radio?" When he turned the radio on it was that song. Trenton started singing that song as loud as he could. Of coarse John and i just began to weep. I called my Sister Sara and told her to turn her radio on :) God is so good to remind us of His faithfulness.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Saying goodbye to Zacky Boy
We are saying CHEESE! in this picture
I will miss this kid more than word can express
Madi's goodbye
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