For my birthday I was taken to Brunch by my Hubby, my kids and my Mom. It was nice. After that My Hubby let me go shopping (by was great!) and then we went to Sanger and spent the night at the Lucero Casa. Since my Birthday is so close to Christmas we went ahead and had our Christmas with the Lucero Family that night. Angela got me a cake and we had Chinese food. I was blessed. I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my birthday.
Happy Birthday to me and I don't even look a day over I have been told (hehe!)
Yes, that is a flannel MooMoo, what was I thinking. Now I really feel old.
Earlier In December we were asked to make G.B Houses for our church brunch for the Seniors at our church. Since I didn't get any instructions I decided to wing it and we tried to make our houses out of canned frosting and gram crackers. Note to self: that doesn't work! Since I waited till the last min. (like always) I was left with a dysfunctional mess of sticky gram crackers and still no houses. What is one to do you ask.... well, I made a call to Kathy to make sure no one was going to be eating these houses and then we cheated. I got out the hot glue gun...yes, the glue gun. Oh and by the way, Hot glue doesn't stick to frosting or visa versa. After many attempts we finally got our houses to stick together, but they were pretty lame. No one seemed to care and we had fun making them so that is all that matters.
A week later Kathy calls me and asks me if I wanted a "real" gingerbread house kit. She didn't say "real" (I am just kidding about that) but she did offer a G.B house with all the fixens and we had so much fun making it together. It was a great gingerbread house!
It's hard to believe that 10 years has passed since the day I gave birth to my 1st child and son -Jacob (aka Jiggy Boy or Jake). Jacob has always kept me & my Hubby on our toes. There is never a dull moment with Jake around. He is all boy...all the time. I know the Lord has an awesome plan for my little boy's life and I look forward to seeing just what that is. This picture says it all. Jacob loves his Nana and she is his #1 fan.
Papa got Jacob a watch because he is always asking "what time is it?"
Aunt Sara & Uncle Jason got Jiggy Boy a Skate Board. He was thrilled!
Now he says he wants to be a skater like his Uncle Jason was.
Every year my Aunt Joyce has a Christmas dinner. I of coarse have missed that for the last two Christmas' since we live in Missouri. It was so good to be home and be able to attend my Aunts special Christmas Dinner. We always have a lot of fun.
The Applegate Family is hard core when it comes to Rock band. Our kids had so much fun playing rock band with them. I joined in but thank goodness there is no pictures of that. I hear I looked pretty funny playing the drums. I guess I wasn't meant to be a drummer.... Bummer! We always have fun at the Applegates' house. They are a bunch of nuts who love Jesus, just like us. Who'da thunk it!
We had planned to go out with some old Friends from school but it ended up being just us four. We were bummed that the other girls couldn't make it but we enjoyed our Girls night out with just us four. We had such a good time. We went out to eat and went shopping and the ended the night with Starbucks. What more could you ask for.
Nina had the great idea to go walk down Chritsmas Tree Lane the 1st day it opened. It was cold and wet and our legs felt like Jello when we got home but hey, we were together so it was worth it.